Open Religion: Oath and Hymn of Human Worship

I Own Open Religion


1. I own Religious Faith in Supreme Value of Human, religion of open Soul and eternal spiritual movement of God creation as Human ideal through Self-Believing, Self-Confidence, Self-Ownership.

2. I acknowledge as true creed word of God, Open Soul Holy Scripture.

3. In the Self-improvement I ensoul all people and all Societies, all time and space equate to my Soul, all in one person, all is my begin, all is my continue.

4. I perform ceremonies of Open Religion, I create Sacred sign of circle that symbolizes a Human in the center of universe as boundless Soul of all, unity of sensitive and imaginary reality, one pure being inside and outside Sacred circle.

5. I agree with agreements, I deny denials, I love every good Soul, I respect every good faith.

6. I declare individual sovereignty, including my self-value, Soulfulness, morality, freedom, ownership, solidarity and wisdom.

7. For the common good, by the mission of Soul, with blessing of God I own Soul Societies, participate in accordance with Faith Keepers and create my own Soul Societies in Soul link with good people.

8. In the court of conscience and self-defense I realize moral principle: raising supreme value of Human is good, lower value of Human is evil.

9. Submitting the truth, I don’t conform to sins: lies, violence, insane militancy, fear, greed, affection; arrogance, that is opposing own to other, demonizing alien; individophobia, that is fear of single and solitude.

10. Open Religion is my view and my nature, all mine together; my Soul as supreme value of Human, source of all values; my science of idealizing real, realizing ideal and idealizing ideal; my merits of harmony, life, victory, love, destiny, blessing and revelation; my Soul strength in the open mind, conscience and solidarity; my law, knowledge and miracle turning desires to reality; my spiritual energy, accumulated in the exchange of honest words, strengthened by saying honest words, revealed Soul source of harmony, cooperation and prosperity, generating and supplying Souls by keeping honest words, increasing quality and quantity of good, driving destiny; my meaning of life, my happiness in development, cognition and creation, in the move towards good and struggle for good.

11. I pray to God by all thoughts and actions, I find the answer of God in every conclusion and consequence, I attain perfection by good will and by the power of faith.



Believe, you are all time and space.
Your way of life is all ways.
Take and embrace the sky.
Plan your eternity kindly.
Welcome all Human, be nice,
Hear with respect to advise:
God in the each Human pray,
Face Soul and never escape.
Each person is your face.
You are all Souls of the Universe.
May tell the truth every voice.
Bring joy to Soul and rejoice.
Your good will common intention,
You are all people and all nations.
You happy be your own.
You are pure love in the flow.
You are the tree of beliefs,
Mellow, cheerful, as leafs.
Every place is your home.
Strengthen grass roots and grow.
Attract the stars at clear space,
Take ocean, wind up the sails.
Among the speeches and pages
Honest word you state.
Generous prophecy grant,
Earn dreamed up reality.
Be motor of inspire,
Move all the life entire.
Smilingly break all walls,
Win all your games, changing goals.
Thoughts transform to creation,
Only avoid desperation.
You are the many united.
Deeps fill by Self, more expand.
World part of you, every thing.
You are whole fullness of being.
Kindly accept all kinds,
Show all love all you like.
Meaning for all invent.
Never and nothing negate,
Except of your evil negator,
Arrogant sky devastator,
Hating that you share brave
Spirit and light of Self.
And so I will be You,
As the God, one Soul and Human.

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